Create Food

Events Production Kitchen
Earlsfield, London.

One of the UK’s leading event and bespoke caterers

Create Food and Party Design is a very successful, award winning, special event catering company, producing many hundreds of meals a day. Therefore, when they acquired a fantastically positioned, yet completely un-renovated, 17,000 square foot warehouse just weeks before a busy December festive season, we were asked us to design and install a brand new kitchen in just 8 weeks. Create’s philosophy is to exceed its clients’ expectations and our mission was to make sure they could.

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Our design started with four, sizeable, dedicated coldrooms, each with a delivery and kitchen access point so deliveries and despatches didn’t cause unnecessary footfall in the busy kitchen. The prime cooking area comprises two large islands suites – one houses five ranges – while the second is made up of a twin fryer, three combination ovens and two stockpot stoves. Adjacent to this, two blast chillers ensure hot food can be cooled instantly.

A self-contained pastry area comprises four convection ovens, a range and an eighty litre mixer and has its own coldroom and walk-in freezer. The cold preparation area comprises sufficient stainless steel tabling for up to twenty staff to make up dishes and finish and pack foods from the blast chillers. Two separate warewashing areas deal with pots and utensils and returned glassware and crockery.

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